07 March 2010

first letter

This is the first email I ever wrote to Melissa.  I was such a dork.  What was she thinking?

Hey you,

So there we are, standing outside your door at 12:26 in the morning, just out to do a little bit of fishing, and WHAM! The door flies open, the lights come on, Nathan wets himself, and I'm caught in the crossfire. We weren't doing anything at all. Just out fishing. Didn't you see the lake? We were actually just on our way to invite you to come, but having the door fly open on you just as you're about to knock is a tad bit startling. I'm sure you can imagine it.

Next time I'll come up with something better.

Oh, by the way, this is the email I use. Just thought I'd throw that in there.

I came to the library to see if you were still there (me being a stalker and all) But after an extesive search of floors 3, 4, and 5, I ran into Julie who indirectly prompted me into checking my email, which I did. In case you didn't gather.

By the way, you never came over for your pictures. But that's probably ok, because now there's a plausible excuse to come over. And I hid all your spices.

That said, I should probably go study for that math test. Knowing me, it should only take about 15 minutes. Also knowing me, that should be right up there around my score too, but we'll find out.

Have a marvelously ebullient day! Till next time...




Patience said...

What was she thinking?

mom4kids said...

Hmmm..... Obviously, there was a next time. Why, we will never know.

PS. As your big sister, I think it is appropriate to say, we approve.

Teresa said...

How romantic that you still have your first e-mail! I wonder if Jesse still has the first note I gave him in 8th grade!

Juli said...

I feel so privileged to be mentioned in this very first email. Even though you spelled my name wrong (unless it wasn't me).