30 May 2009

new project

This is my new project to finish sometime in the future. Hopefully, it will keep Bruce from destroying the hot tub cover.

28 May 2009

I Guess We'd Rather Be In Colorado

We had a great trip in Colorado and wish we could go back for another week. Here are some pictures from the trip. Some are hard to explain but just use your imagination.

Trail that leads around Estes Lake. There was supposed to be a ton of elk on the trail but we just saw one. Maybe the Pierce curse doesn't just apply to fishing.

Supposedly this one was going to charge us at any moment. I was planning to get it on film as I ran away screaming.

Normal Pierce Family

Gangster Pierce Family - You Talkin To Me?

Haunted Hotel in Estes Park. The Shining was filmed here but none of us had seen it so we weren't too scared.

Mom wrapping herself in towels and garbage bags.

Mom smelling Dad's sock.

Last but not least - Brittany's performance as a weeping willow tree singing Poor Judd is Dead.

If you were wondering, we found a new game called Quelf that made us do all of this. I bet all of you can't wait until the family reunion when you get to participate.