30 March 2010

epic tales

The Epic of Gilgamesh is commonly accepted as the first written work by a named author in the history of civilization.  This is interesting because I'm pretty sure if I were the first author ever and I were chiseling into stone tablets I would have chosen a much shorter name than 'Gilgamesh' as the hero figure in my narrative prose.  Something akin to 'Joe' or 'Pete' or maybe 'Bob'.  Also, there are probably a lot of grammatical errors.  The First Editor Ever job was probably a hard one.
On the other hand, 'Humbaba the Terrible' is a pretty sweet name for a villain and may very well be what I name my kids hamster.


Kay said...

I am chuckling...did you really read this book..or do you just like the names that you have admitted to noticing? :)

Linda Stahr said...

Personally, I think the name Mahonrimoriancumer is a much longer and harder word than Gilgamesh. No wonder they just called him "the Brother of Jared"... as for names of kids' hamsters, I'm sure you'll find one like "Killer" or something like that.