12 October 2010

appropriate behavior

I understand that after moving to Minnesota, we've entered a completely new societal paradigm.  I also understand that certain things usually seen as socially unacceptable may be completely normal here in the upper mid-West.  In fact, just the other day, I was thinking to myself, "Self, I wonder if there is anywhere in the contiguous United States that has both a population above thirteen and a completely accepting opinion concerning urinating out the upper apartment bedroom window." 

This is something that one would think one would never run across.  Really.  I never in my wildest dreams (including the infamous Zombie Golf Polo Dream) would have thought I would be wondering that.  But I did.  And that's the scary part.

Actually, let me be clear, there was an instigating situation which led to the pondering.  Namely, the situation was as follows: my upstairs neighbor was peeing out his window in the middle of the night.  No really.  He was.  I know.  Awesome.

Let me paint the picture for you.  It's Saturday night.  Melissa and I had been down in Minneapolis to see Brian Regan perform and we got back rather late.  I wasn't really tired and needed to work on some stuff for our church assignment (I still don't believe it's a calling) and so was up rather late/early.  At approximately 0142hrs, I decided to turn in for the night and was just getting all snuggled up under the blankets when I heard the most unusual sound outside the window directly over my head.  In fact, the sound wasn't all THAT unusual as I hear it at least twice a day, usually in the bathroom area of the house as I tinkle.  Thinking that our neighborhood drunk guy (what? you don't have a neighborhood drunk guy?) might be micturating on my baby-that-doesn't-sleep-with-me-because-Melissa-won't-let-motorcycles-in-the-house, peeked out the blinds to see what was going on.

And that's when I saw The Stream.  That's right, The Stream.  Coming all the way from above where I was just getting ready to sleep.  It was very disturbing.  And it went on forever.  It was like I-80 going through Wyoming.  I closed the window and told Melissa that I had a new most disgusting thing to beat out her "Dead Birds in the Parking Lot".

So now I'm left wondering: if you're on the bottom floor, can you still pee out the window?


Kay said...

You could, but I would not advise it..obviously his Mother did not teach him that he could not even go in the woods when there was a 'loo' nearby!

Kendra said...

Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew. Also, Ew. Maybe you should move. There are some nice houses available in Tooele. I've neard that's a nice place.