03 September 2010

word pronunciation

Some words should be pronounced more eloquently than the standard pronunciation.  Like 'neuter'.  I think 'neuter' should be pronounced 'noo-TAIR'.

'Noo-TAIR' sounds more like an exotic plastic surgery and less like hundreds of thousands of years of evolutionary progress designed to ensure the most stalwart and desirable traits are passed from generation to generation in the never-ending quest to become the ultimate predator have been utterly destroyed in a half hour by some guy who didn't even take you out to dinner first.

I think the same is true for 'va-MEET'.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Did you know that we shop at "Tar-Jay" (or however you would pronounce Target in French!) I totally agree with you. Some words just deserve a special pronunciation. Ask Jesse how he says, "lingerie."