22 October 2010

perplexing question

I just read an article about a woman who stored the placentas from two separate child births for a couple of years.  This, while in and of itself is 100% completely normal, caught the attention of the media because she eventually decided to dispose of them on Maori land and (quote) "the method of disposal was not in keeping with Maori cultural protocols and the area was a place that Maori were unlikely to use for this purpose".
So, the question is: if you were to eat the placentas on Maori land, would that still be considered 'not keeping with Maori cultural protocols' and are the Maori sitting on an undiscovered gold mine in the placenta disposal market?
Also, does anyone actually believe that I'm serious about anything placenta related not being utterly disgusting?


Kay said...

where on earth do you find this 'stuff'! Maybe you should go to bed earlier...

Kristen said...

Found it, thanks. Very interesting Justin.....we will check your blog for interesting things to think about! :)