22 October 2010

perplexing question

I just read an article about a woman who stored the placentas from two separate child births for a couple of years.  This, while in and of itself is 100% completely normal, caught the attention of the media because she eventually decided to dispose of them on Maori land and (quote) "the method of disposal was not in keeping with Maori cultural protocols and the area was a place that Maori were unlikely to use for this purpose".
So, the question is: if you were to eat the placentas on Maori land, would that still be considered 'not keeping with Maori cultural protocols' and are the Maori sitting on an undiscovered gold mine in the placenta disposal market?
Also, does anyone actually believe that I'm serious about anything placenta related not being utterly disgusting?

20 October 2010

The world is ending

The world must be ending b/c I finally joined Facebook. Things can only go downhill from here.

break in

Somebody broke in to our apartment this afternoon.  I saw him when I came home for lunch and tried to chase him but he got away.  He stole an entire row of the brownies Melissa was saving.  So if she asks, that's what happened.

On a completely unrelated note, I should probably go out running more often.

18 October 2010

Justin's Award

Congratulations to Justin - he was awarded the District Award of Merit for the Salt Lake Council area.


Since the Salt Lake Council doesn't exactly have a fantastic award site, here is some more info on it



no explanation

Melissa's Quote of the Day:  "My gosh, they're so fat."

12 October 2010

google search

Somebody pinged our blog using the Google search "restulex reviews".  That's especially impressive because The Pierce's Pontification was the 136th search result for that particular search at the time of this writing. 

Whomever that somebody was really did have restless legs and to them I say, "You probably also have Cousin Oliver Syndrome so...good luck with that."

appropriate behavior

I understand that after moving to Minnesota, we've entered a completely new societal paradigm.  I also understand that certain things usually seen as socially unacceptable may be completely normal here in the upper mid-West.  In fact, just the other day, I was thinking to myself, "Self, I wonder if there is anywhere in the contiguous United States that has both a population above thirteen and a completely accepting opinion concerning urinating out the upper apartment bedroom window." 

This is something that one would think one would never run across.  Really.  I never in my wildest dreams (including the infamous Zombie Golf Polo Dream) would have thought I would be wondering that.  But I did.  And that's the scary part.

Actually, let me be clear, there was an instigating situation which led to the pondering.  Namely, the situation was as follows: my upstairs neighbor was peeing out his window in the middle of the night.  No really.  He was.  I know.  Awesome.

Let me paint the picture for you.  It's Saturday night.  Melissa and I had been down in Minneapolis to see Brian Regan perform and we got back rather late.  I wasn't really tired and needed to work on some stuff for our church assignment (I still don't believe it's a calling) and so was up rather late/early.  At approximately 0142hrs, I decided to turn in for the night and was just getting all snuggled up under the blankets when I heard the most unusual sound outside the window directly over my head.  In fact, the sound wasn't all THAT unusual as I hear it at least twice a day, usually in the bathroom area of the house as I tinkle.  Thinking that our neighborhood drunk guy (what? you don't have a neighborhood drunk guy?) might be micturating on my baby-that-doesn't-sleep-with-me-because-Melissa-won't-let-motorcycles-in-the-house, peeked out the blinds to see what was going on.

And that's when I saw The Stream.  That's right, The Stream.  Coming all the way from above where I was just getting ready to sleep.  It was very disturbing.  And it went on forever.  It was like I-80 going through Wyoming.  I closed the window and told Melissa that I had a new most disgusting thing to beat out her "Dead Birds in the Parking Lot".

So now I'm left wondering: if you're on the bottom floor, can you still pee out the window?