11 October 2009

topic change

So I don’t really mean to change the topic from Number 1 but on to Number 2 in the Things to Do In the Bathroom series. For example: build a canoe from fecal matter to paddle across the English Channel. You can re-read that if you’d like.

As it turns out, if you’re sitting on the sovereign litter box and the idea to build some sort of meadow muffin flotation device to propel yourself across one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world occurs to you, it doesn’t count. You would be too late. Also, you need to put some magazines in your loo. Also, also, you may very well get the idea AFTER you’re done sitting on the privy (I’ll let you use your imagination as to why). The idea doesn’t count then either.

Two guys actually made a canoe (really more like a kayak) out of recycled paper and grass. The paper was recycled by the two guys. The grass was recycled by sheep. Why one would do this is a mystery.

My word of advice if you do choose to do this: make sure you use floaters.


Kay said...

Where on earth do you find these sorts of articles...unless of course, they are hand done by the 'engineers' there at the facility at which you are employed! What a chuckle...and remembering back to high school and the cardboard box boats, they must have missed out.

Justin said...

If I told you where the articles came from, you wouldn't have to read my blog. That would be a self-destructive activity and I'm pretty sure therapists advise against that.