04 March 2011

weight watchers

I walked past a conference room and saw that lunch was being served.  I almost went in to get some but was told it was a Weight Watchers meeting.  I still would have taken some but I had already eaten an upsized 5-piece chicken tenders meal from Hardee's.  I feel so dirty.


Jesse said...

You should have joined! You might be surprised how many points that chicken tenders meal was! I'm a lifetime member (not a very good example of one), but today Bryant made sugar cookies and I actually figured out the points (after I ate one). 7 points! Ughhh! (btw, this is Teresa; I'm on Jesse's computer!)

Linda Stahr said...

Who says that weight watchers are always watching their weight go down? I've been watching mine steadily go up!

Patience said...

I love Hardee's. And, Carl's Jr.'s and milk shakes....and brownies.

Kristen said...

I watch what I eat go from my plate to my mouth! Is that weight watchers, cause it works great!