16 November 2009

burning butter

Melissa and I had an interesting conversation yesterday morning that went something like this:

Melissa: If you put butter in a toaster, would it light on fire?
Me: What?
Melissa: I was wondering if you put butter in a toaster, would it light on fire?
Me: That's what I thought you said. Why would you put butter in a toaster?
Melissa: Like if I buttered bread and then put it in a toaster.
Me:  Why would you butter bread before you put it in the toaster?
Melissa:  I'm just wondering if it would catch on fire.
Me: I guess it could.  But, back to my question, why would you even consider doing that?
Melissa:  Well, I was thinking I wanted a grilled cheese sandwich but I didn't want to spend the time to cook it.  So I thought about putting it in the toaster because that would cook it pretty fast.  Then I thought the butter might catch on fire so I decided not to do it.  Then I thought we should probably make sure our kids don't do that.
Me:  Now you've raised a completely different problem: why do you want grilled cheese first thing in the morning?

Now I have to go get a toaster that I can put buttered bread into just to see if it will catch on fire.  And I probably have to do it without Melissa knowing about it.  I should probably make sure our kids don't do that.


Ian said...

let me know when you try that, I need to be there to help...

Kay said...

Oh my goodness, two of you together always equaled some sort of explosion...or fire... watch out Melissa - or make sure that you go to someplace fun to buy things so when you get home and they have afire in the kitchen he cannot make any comments about spending money!

Patience said...

Actually, it won't catch on fire...but it will smolder and stink something fierce. Just sayin'.

Justin said...

Of course, this will not keep me from trying it myself.

Crystal Roach said...

So is Melissa pregnant? Grilled cheese in the morning is a sure sign. This is really John.