22 July 2009

Trap Shooter

The newest member of the ATK competition trap shooting team now lives in our house. Justin shot 46 out of 50 trap yesterday to make the 4 man team. According to him, the other team members' guns were pretty nice - some, he said, worth up to $2000 (and possibly up to $3500 so I was just told). Justin shot with the gun we traded for the Jimmy - doesn't that just show how good he really is. I still think he is headed for one of the Outdoor Channel's shooting shows.

20 July 2009

dream on

19 July 2009

not forgotten

Melissa kindly reminded me that not everyone knew James the GMC Jimmy as well as I and, therefore, it might be wise to post some pictures so that all may experience the heartbreak felt in our household.

17 July 2009

dear james

Dear James,

I hope you understand how hard this is for me; we’ve had so many wonderful memories together. It’s not you…it’s my wife. You see, she never really felt the same way I did about you. I know, I know. You had that nifty window in the floor where she could watch the road go by. And you got us stuck in the middle of the woods that one time so we could spend more time together. You even took your top off for her.

Mostly…it was the fumes. And the space you took up in the garage. And that you really haven't been going anywhere for the last two years. And that you drank a lot and even passed out in the driveway. And that some may (or may not) have referred to you as ‘an unholy abomination not fit to be burned with the fecal matter of a million camels’. But mostly it was the fumes. You can only smother so many brain cells.

Anyway. That’s why you were driven most of the way back to your new home by someone else. Oh, by the way, I understand why you would be upset, but two miles? You made it from Tooele to almost Vernal and decided to die TWO MILES away from Jerry’s house? That was pretty low. Its things like that that don’t make me regret leaving you for the guns. And the cash.

So I guess that’s it. I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow as I try to break pigeons with the new Mossberg. If I can see them through my tears.

All the best,
